Why does Ten Shin Han have three eyes?

Why does Ten Shin Han have three eyes

Do you know why Ten Shin Han has three eyes? In this article you will find out

Ten Shin Han, one of Dragon Ball's most iconic characters, is known for having three eyes. This unique physical characteristic has generated curiosity among fans of the series. Through an online search, we have gathered information from different sources to answer the question: Why does Ten Shin Han have three eyes?

Origins of Ten Shin Han and his third eye

According to the creators of Dragon Ball, Ten Shin Han is a member of a race called the Three Eyed People. This race settled on Earth long ago and formed a tribe. Although it is unclear whether Ten Shin Han is the last of his species, he is the only canonical member of his species in the world of Dragon Ball.

Ten Shin Han's third eye has its roots in Buddhist and Hindu culture. In these religions, the third eye represents wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. In Buddhist teachings, those who attain spiritual enlightenment receive a third eye. Therefore, Ten Shin Han's third eye is a tribute to these spiritual beliefs.

Powers and abilities related to the third eye

Ten Shin Han's third eye gives the Three Eyed People the power to "truly see. However, Ten Shin Han lost this power when he was buried by Master Shen, as the third eye is meant only for doing good. Although he lost this power, Ten Shin Han can still develop additional abilities, which seems to be unique to his race.

As for Ten Shin Han's combat skills, some of them are based on volleyball stances, such as Haikyu Ken and Kikoho. In addition, he uses techniques and skills based on the ancient art of Ninjutsu. These unique skills make Ten Shin Han a formidable fighter in the world of Dragon Ball.

Additional explanations of Ten Shin Han's third eye

Although the official explanation from the creators of Dragon Ball is that Ten Shin Han is a member of the Three Eyes People, there are other theories and explanations in different media related to the series.

In the video game Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, it is explained that Ten Shin Han obtained his third eye by undergoing tough mental training. However, it is important to note that video games often have their own versions of events and are not always considered canonical.

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