NieR Automata Ver1.1a anime to be paused, it is announced

NieR Automata Ver1.1a anime to be paused, it is announced

NieR Automata Ver1.1a anime to be paused due to production issues, announced

When it comes to anime adaptations based on video games, we have a few examples, but undoubtedly one of the ones that attracted the most attention from users was NieR: Automata, one of the titles that has most fascinated users not only for its mechanics and graphic quality, but also for its spectacular protagonist, considered by many as the ultimate waifu, so it was not surprising that the anime of NieR Automata Ver1.1a was one of the most awaited, but unfortunately it has been shaken by production problems and here, we will see in detail what is going on.

NieR Automata Ver1.1a anime paused due to production issues

NieR Automata Ver1.1a anime paused due to production issues

The most recent episode released was episode 8, but unfortunately it has been confirmed that the anime of NieR Automata Ver1.1a will enter into an indefinite pause due to production problems, which means that episode 9 will not be released on the scheduled date and instead, we can only wait for new details.

At this point, many of you may be wondering why these production problems are occurring, and from the official anime portal, shared a statement in which they explain the reason for all this and it is about Covid-19, which has been spreading rapidly and therefore, they have decided to take measures to prevent the studio's employees from being affected.

The following is the Spanish translation of the press release:

"Thank you for your continued support of the TV anime "NieR:Automata Ver1.1a". Due to the spread of the new coronavirus "COVID-19" and the resulting delay in the video production schedule, we have decided to postpone the transmission and distribution of episode 9 going forward. Regarding the broadcast/distribution schedule after episode 9, we will announce it again on the anime's official website and official Twitter in the near future.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to wait for some time until the transmission and distribution of episode 9. Although this is a measure based on unforeseen circumstances, we are very sorry for the inconvenience and concern for viewers who are eagerly awaiting the show. Thank you for your understanding."

How long will the break last?

As we were able to read in the press release, there is no specific date for the broadcast of the episode 9 and only suggest that we keep an eye on both the official website and the account of Twitter, where they will announce the new schedule, but nevertheless, we can get an idea of how long we might end up waiting.

As many of you may already know, this is not the first time this anime has been paused and the first time occurred with the release of episode 4, which was postponed. The announcement of this pause was made on January 21 of this year and on February 11 they informed that they were resuming the broadcast, so it was a pause of about 20 days.

With the above number we can get an idea of how long we might end up waiting and while it's not that hopeful, at least it's not half-year breaks.


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