Gohan: New God of Destruction?

Dragon Ball Revelation: Will Goku's Son Gohan Emerge as the New God of Destruction in the Universe, Changing the Course of the Cosmos?

Chapter 103 of the manga of Dragon Ball Super marks a significant milestone in the history of the universe created by Akira Toriyama. Not only is it a farewell to one of the masters of manga, but it also resolves a hot theory among fans: Could Son Gohan become the new God of Destruction?

The Importance of Chapter 103 in Dragon Ball Super

With the passing of Akira ToriyamaIn this episode, episode 103 becomes an emotional tribute to his legacy. This episode is not only a farewell, but also marks the closing of an action-packed and exciting stage in the series.

The Theory of Gohan as God of Destruction: Resolved?

For a long time, fans have speculated that Son Gohan, with his latent power, could take the place of God of Destruction. However, Chapter 103 provides a clear answer to this question, clearing the doubts surrounding this theory.

The Hidden Power of Son Gohan and its Impact on the Universe

The chapter reveals Son Gohan's hidden power, especially through his 'Beast' transformation. This form shows Gohan's incredible potential, surpassing even the likes of Goku y Vegeta in certain moments of the battle. However, although his strength could be equated to that of a God of Destruction, his good-natured nature rules him out as a candidate.

Reflections on the Future of Dragon Ball Super Manga

While Chapter 103 closes certain unknowns, it opens up new possibilities for the future of the Dragon Ball Super manga. With characters like Gohan, Goku and Vegeta still developing, there is much left to explore in terms of power and evolution. The story continues, and fans can expect more exciting twists and confrontations in the coming chapters.

Personal opinion

In conclusion, Dragon Ball Super episode 103 offers an exciting conclusion to the Akira Toriyama era and resolves an important theory for fans. While Son Gohan shows impressive power, his goodness keeps him from becoming the new God of Destruction. However, the future of the manga promises even greater thrills, with characters ready to face unimaginable challenges. The saga continues, and fans can expect more epic moments in the Dragon Ball universe.

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