Category: Synopsis and Stories
Dive into the plots and secrets with synopses and stories. Get to know every detail before embarking on a new anime journey - the essence of each series at your fingertips!
Attack on Titan: ¿El mejor anime de los últimos años?
Attack on Titan En los últimos años, se han estrenado animes de todos los géneros, los cuales nos sumergen en historias variopintas que enganchan a…
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super: La épica continuación de la serie de anime más famosa de todos los tiempos La franquicia de Dragon Ball se expandió con…
Dragon Ball Heroes
Dragon Ball Heroes: Learn All About the Series Based on the Video Game If you are a fan of Goku and his friends and you are looking for a...
Dragon Ball Z Kai: The definitive version of the anime classic
Dragon Ball Z Kai Dragon Ball Z is one of the most popular anime series of all time, and has been loved by...
Dragon Ball Z: The Story Behind the Legend
Dragon Ball Z In this article, we will explore the history of one of the most popular anime of all time: Dragon Ball Z.....