Category: Anime recommendations
Looking for something new? Explore our anime recommendations The best selected for you!
Attack on Titan: ¿El mejor anime de los últimos años?
Attack on Titan En los últimos años, se han estrenado animes de todos los géneros, los cuales nos sumergen en historias variopintas que enganchan a…
Classroom of the Elite
Classroom of the Elite: The perfect combination of a badass protagonist and an entertaining story It's no secret that one of the most popular anime...
The fourth season of Overlord
The fourth season of Overlord: a unique experience in the world of anime" Embark on an action-packed journey full of mystery and surprises in the...
Mob Psycho 100: A work by the same author of the acclaimed animated series One Punch Man A series born from the mind of the same creator of...
Naruto Shippuden: The series that every anime fan must watch.
Naruto Shippuden It is the direct continuation of the series written by Masashi Kishimoto, it narrates the events from Volume 28 of the manga. In...