Blue Archive under fire: IA or human error?

Blue Archive: Is the crisis a result of artificial intelligence or human error? An in-depth analysis of the ongoing conflict

From digital perfection to the argument over the authenticity of art, the recent uproar over an illustration by Blue Archive has shaken the social networks. Fans took a close look at a peculiar detail: a character with six fingers on one hand. IIA or human error? That was the question that unleashed a storm of criticism towards the popular franchise.

Illustrative errors: IIA or human oversight?

They pointed out errors ranging from the excessive length of a torii arch to a ceiling that appeared to float. However, the biggest point of controversy was the presence of six fingers on the right hand of one character. This error, commonly associated with the use of artificial intelligence in the generation of illustrations, unleashed a wave of criticism and suspicion.

The controversy unleashed in social networks

Social networks were ablaze with debates about the use of IA in the art industry. Many expressed concern about the possible displacement of human artists in favor of cheaper technologies. The integrity of art seemed to be at stake, with the quality of illustrations at the center of the debate.

The artist's defense: a look behind the scenes

However, the artist responsible for the illustration, Mendou Kusaiintervened in the controversy to clarify that the error was purely human. He presented evidence in the form of sketches made in Photoshop to demonstrate that the illustration was created from scratch, without the help of AI. Each error pointed out was explained as a result of their own incompetence or misunderstandings.

Reflections on the future of art and technology.

This incident sheds light on the delicate balance between human creativity and technological innovation in the art world. While image-generating AIs offer efficiency and economy, they also pose ethical and aesthetic challenges. Should we sacrifice the uniqueness of human art for the sake of digital convenience?

Personal opinion

The controversy surrounding Blue Archive reminds us of the importance of not jumping to hasty conclusions in the digital age. While emerging technologies like AI offer exciting opportunities, we must remember that art remains a human product, susceptible to error and misunderstanding. Ultimately, collaboration between humans and technology could be the key to a prosperous and equitable artistic future.

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